
Why do spas use essential oils?

Have you ever used natural essential oils and understood the use of essential oils yet, most of the spas use essential oils to create aroma to help create a relaxing space and close to nature. To create a fresh aroma and close to nature, essential oils are always a priority to create a scent that helps to feel natural, relaxing instead of using sprays or scents ... Therefore, natural oil is the main material to create that kind of natural fragrance. Why choose essential oils as a scent for the Spa room but not another scent? Essential oils when added to a room incense burner such as a candle or electric light, with just a few drops of essential oil on the water dish, when the water begins to warm, the essential oil smells from the flowers, bulbs, leaves and stems from the material nature will begin to spread evenly and gently each fragrance to help us feel a scent as if being close to nature. The spread of essential oils after being steamed will spread evenly and gently to create the most natural and gentle feeling that helps us feel the fragrance in a close way to nature. Because essential oils are made from the natural materials that make them. Therefore, when essential oils are emitted with fragrance from flowers. You can feel the gentle and relaxing aroma with the scent of lavender clusters, or the warm lemon lemongrass fragrance to create a warm feeling in the room, help insects stay away, help some moldy bacteria avoid away from and limit the smell from leather items, cloth, wood ... being emitted by moisture. Aroma from natural essential oils does not affect your health? You see that in addition to the aroma effect of flowers, tubers, leaf stems that have a specific scent from the source of the material that creates them, each essential oil from the material that creates them has its benefits and uses. Particularly we often know when used with a suitable content + Lavender essential oil Lavender essential oil is the most versatile essential oil of all essential oils. Helps reduce stress. It is great for calming muscles and creating an environment for good sleep. Helps relieve and cough. Lavender essential oil has very strong antiseptic properties; A skin massage can help treat some skin problems like acne, burns, dry skin, eczema and rashes. + Lemon essential oil The use of lemon essential oil has many great benefits for health, one of the very well-known uses of lemon essential oil is that it helps the body eliminate toxins, very well in all parts. The body also stimulates the lymphatic system to work more efficiently to rejuvenate energy, repair, repair and cleanse the skin. + Orange peel oil Orange peel oil is very good to help calm the mind and reduce stress, headache, insomnia and colds. Improve immunity, stimulate digestive system activity and diuretic. Using oil burner to diffuse the fragrance will help treat digestive problems, rheumatism. In addition, through the respiratory tract, tangerine essential oil also stimulates the distribution of beneficial blood cells to feed throughout the body. + Lemongrass essential oil Lemongrass essential oil is a familiar name with current spas and salons. Thanks to its outstanding uses, this essential oil is always popular and widely used for many different purposes. Lemongrass essential oil is extracted from the leaves and stems of lemongrass - herbs of the family Poaceae (contains essential vitamins such as vitamins A, B2, B2, B3, B5, C and folate) help to deodorize, bring Back to the fresh, pleasant air. In addition, lemongrass is also essential oils have been shown to have many benefits for health and living environment.

Home spa with essential oils and sea salt

After a day at work, there's nothing better than soaking in a bath with scents of essential oils, bath salts ... In addition to regular soaps, body lotions, you can now add essential oils, bath salts to cleanse your skin and relax. Whichever product you choose, it's important to take a bath, relax and completely relax your senses to feel the warmth of the water mingled with the smell of your favorite natural essential oil. 1. Essential oil : If your skin is dry or injured, put some oil in a bath. Warm water is a good environment for the skin to easily absorb the nutrients in essential oils, helping you to improve dry skin. There are two types of oil bath: A pure essential oil is then you have to blow warm water to melt the oil or small in base oil plants such as olive oil , sunflower oil , oil to dissolve blind u ... then put it in the tub, secondly use a commercial bath oil. They will dissolve in warm water and create a slight scent. The tiny droplets of essential oil clinging to your skin help you smell good throughout the day while stimulating the process of blood circulation under the skin to help you relax. Some bath essential oils contain a foaming agent with a light lemon scent, banana oil (which helps to energize the skin) or honey extract essence containing vitamin E, which helps moisturize the skin. 2. Bath salts : Soaking in salt-water from the Dead Sea is one of Cleopatra's secret to healthy skin. Today, bath salts are a crystalline form that softens and fragrant skin. You can soak in a warm bath with dissolved salts and enjoy this relaxing feeling. Bath salts are also used to remove dead skin cells on callous areas such as knees, elbows and heels. How to : Use loofah rub rubbing salt particles on the skin. Bath salts, on the other hand, can energize the skin. The minerals in salts like zinc, magnesium not only add minerals but also help eliminate the toxins caused by dirt on the skin. In particular, this salt also helps relieve the pain of muscle spasms, arthritis, back pain or muscle function. The mild aroma of salted grains brings a sense of balance to you after a working day. You can combine natural oils and salt by adding a few drops of peppermint , lemongrass, ginger or grapefruit oil to help eliminate the feeling of heavy, tired body. 3. Soap : In the past, soap was more about cleansing or antibacterial than lotion. Currently, manufacturers have added soap to skin lotions. Soaps made from cereals and herbs can help rejuvenate the skin. Some soaps combine natural essential oils for bathing treatments. Their natural scent is completely harmless to the body. With a moisturizing soap for dry skin, glycerin is an important ingredient that helps to soften and elasticize the skin. This soap is suitable for sensitive skin.

What to eat for beautiful skin?

The cold wind rushes back, the harsh dry sunshine, accompanied by low air humidity makes our skin dull, dry, less firm ... So we should eat, How to drink to protect the skin? Drink enough water In the cold season, many people are born afraid to drink water, or think that the cold season causes less sweat so they do not need to drink water, which is a pity. Wrinkles are more noticeable when you're dehydrated. Water keeps your skin dry, cracked or wrinkled. Water is the beauty skin natural beauty. Like other organs in the body, skin cells are also made of water. Skin contains 9% water in the body. Water plays an important role in helping the skin stay soft, eliminating toxins caused by biochemical reactions in the body. In the absence of water, the body will use liquid storage and the skin will become dry, so the cells will not function properly, causing the body to be tired, the most obvious manifestation of dehydration is dry skin, dry lips. Water is directed to other organs before reaching the skin, drinking enough water will prevent wrinkles on the skin, Need to provide adequate water for the skin by drinking every day from 2-2.5 liters of water and should drink evenly throughout the day. Every 15-30 minutes should drink water once. Do not drink too much water at once. This habit will help moisturize the skin from the inside as each skin cell is well hydrated, significantly improves dry skin condition and repels the risk of skin diseases effectively. In addition to water, we can replenish water with herbal teas (artichoke tea, sweet grass tea, corn beard tea ...) and juices of green vegetables, fruits to promote the effect of better skin care. Do not drink sugary drinks like sugary fruit juices, carbonated soft drinks because they can cause skin problems such as sagging and wrinkled skin, caused by high blood sugar. , sugar can attach to proteins in collagen and create compounds that prevent the skin from stretching but sagging. What food to eat? Foods rich in vitamin C In addition to strengthening resistance, helping the body stay healthy, fighting disease, vitamin C is also considered a panacea in anti-aging and beauty. The body does not have enough vitamin C to cause dryness and roughness, hyperkeratosis in the hair follicles, especially for premature skin aging, dullness, pigmentation, freckles ... due to exposure to dust and smoke. Toxic substances or UV rays in the sun. Therefore, to limit these factors for the skin, you should increase those foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, lemons ... In addition, other fruits are also rich in vitamin C such as guava, bar dragon, banana, apple ... that you should eat daily. Foods rich in vitamin A Due to its mild deforming properties, vitamin A enhances the process of eliminating the pigmentation available on the skin more quickly. In addition, vitamin A also inhibits the tyrosinase enzyme, an enzyme that promotes melanin production, which reduces the appearance of melasma, freckles and age spots. Vitamin A also prevents skin aging. For everyone, aging skin is when the appearance of small wrinkles begins. This trace element has an excellent role in fighting oxidative agents and stimulating the production of collagen, elastin, increasing the cohesion of skin cells, improving skin structure. It is for this reason that the skin surface reduces wrinkles, becomes soft and plump. Thanks to the strong link, sunlight or environmental impacts are also difficult to affect the skin. Eggs, liver, and milk are foods rich in vitamin A. In addition, you should also eat foods rich in beta carotene, which is a precursor of vitamin A when you enter the body of beta carotene, which will turn into vitamin A such as carrots, papaya, squash. corn, mango, Gac, potatoes, sweet potatoes and all dark green vegetables (spinach, broccoli ... Each day a cup of fresh carrot juice will keep the skin smooth, full of vitality, not dry. For potatoes, sweet potatoes, you should be steamed, boiled to eat daily to promote the effect of new cell production, fade black pigments and freckles on the skin, giving you a smooth, glowing skin full of vitality and no signs of aging. Foods rich in vitamin E Vitamin E belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins with antioxidant effects. Antioxidants fight free radicals, which are associated with a range of health conditions, from cancer to premature aging. Foods rich in vitamin E include avocado, bean sprouts, vegetable oil, spinach (spinach), and broccoli, and vitamin E appears to be lower in foods such as: cereals, fish, peanut butter, green leafy vegetables, eggs, milk ... Nuts and beans Legumes including soybeans, dragon beans, beans, peas, peanuts, sesame seeds ... are foods rich in zinc, unsaturated fats and vitamins that work to keep the skin soft, smooth. In short, food has an important role to play in the skin. In addition, a relaxed spirit, regular exercise, no drinking, no smoking ... and following a healthy lifestyle are all ways to have beautiful skin.

How to apply a mineral mud mask?

In the process of talking with customers, we realized that most customers do not know how to apply mineral mud properly and let them take full effect. If used incorrectly the mask does not seem to work as expected. So today, you follow this article to know how to make a mask with a stylish standard. Mud mask - effective friend quickly regains skin for women Some cases when you use the mud mask in the wrong way: What can be most noticeable when you use it the wrong way is that the mud mask effect cannot fulfill its role. There are many cases that the majority of users encounter such as: - Applying a mineral mud mask that is too thick or too thin. Both cases are not good for the face. - When applying a mask that is too thick, making the pores covered and the dirt can go back deep inside the skin, the skin cannot breathe, the face skin will not be ventilated and clean. - When the mask is too thin, the nutrients in the mineral mud will not be enough to meet the skin, when the amount of nutrients is not enough for the skin, the mask becomes wasteful and has no effect. Apply mask at the right time. There are many ways of thinking that masking as long as possible for the skin, but that is wrong. Each type of mask has a different reasonable time and the golden time when using the mud mask is 10 to 15 minutes. Before applying mud mask to your skin, you need to clean and clean skin first. So that the nutrients can go deep inside the skin easily. Apply an appropriate amount on the face, and apply enough mineral mud to cover the skin below and especially in areas with acne and heavy oil to apply a thick layer. Relax for 10-15 minutes until the mud dries and the final step is to wash your face again with clean water. For best facial care, use mineral mud 2-3 times a week. Do not overdo it, causing itching and irritation. What is the use of mud mask? Delivers a smooth feeling, a glossy skin tightening in addition to the clean feeling that seems like the dirt on the face every day has been gently and gently treated by mineral mud mask. The skin will be smooth, clean and shiny. Regular mud mask on the skin, the skin experiences the feeling really like and looks so beautiful! Moreover, the mud mask plays a very good role in controlling the amount of oil on the face. Regulating well and not causing dryness, acne is also an enemy of mud masks. Where to buy mud mask is good? It is not difficult to buy a mud mask. YHL mineral mud mask is a best seller and very good on the market. Reputable address and origin product. Do not be too worried about the skin, because YHL has been with you. Products are imported according to regulations and have clear norms. YHL is committed to providing all products that come from corner sources and are imported in large quantities so they are affordable and affordable. Special prices will not change constantly confusing for you. Still have questions about the effectiveness and how to use mud masks effectively? Do not hesitate to contact us via the hotline: 1900 1068 so that our staff can contact you directly and dedicated to answering questions for you. Quickly have healthy, glowing skin, desire the truth with a premium YHL mineral mud mask. Many customers have experienced and had great results! How about you? Are you ready to experience this quality product?

5 steps spa at home for relaxing

Since today is the last Saturday of 2015, leave all work and reward yourself for a relaxing day with home spa treatments. Do not worry, you will not have to spend a lot of money, but instead you will use the ingredients available in your kitchen cabinets. These DIY therapies can be easily done with just a few simple ingredients. The girls, you all worked so hard, so now light your favorite scented candle and take a deep breath because you're going to feel really relaxed. Hair and Scalp Pollution and sun exposure and frequent chemical exposure will make your hair and scalp dry and severely damaged. No matter what type of hair you have, an oily hair conditioner will be the perfect choice for you. Massage this lotion on your scalp (to reduce stress and eliminate dryness on the scalp) and gradually apply the cream to the roots. Even if you have thin and thin hair, this will not make your hair look greasy and oily, it will even make your hair shinier and healthier. Ingredient 1/2 avocado 65g mayonnaise 15ml of coconut oil 15ml olive oil 15ml of honey 60ml water Mix the mixture well. Wet your hair, brushing the mask over the hair to make sure it is evenly applied. Incubate your hair for 15 to 20 minutes to allow the hair to absorb the nutrients. Then rinse hair with cold water. Face Stress, pressure, bad habits when washing your face daily and working with computer screens for too long make your skin very affected. Your face deserves to be loved and cared for, try home remedies extremely effective (but very simple)with manuka honey. It not only has a whitening effect but also helps you own a smooth and toned skin. Body When was the last time you exfoliated? The dead skin cells accumulate, not only making your skin look dry and patchy, but also dull, lifeless and even cause acne outbreaks. Exfoliating with ground coffee beans will help you to say goodbye to rough skin and may even make your skin softer and firmer. In addition, you will surely love the gentle feeling of rubbing grainy piglets on your skin. Resources: ½ cup coffee grounds 3 tablespoons brown sugar Method: Add sugar to the coffee grounds and mix well. Wet your skin with warm water, then apply the mixture all over your body and massage gently. About 10-15 minutes later, wash again. Done by exfoliating with coffee grounds and brown sugar 1 time per week, you get smooth skin stretch and nutrients in the cream also easily absorbed. Foot These sandals can cause serious damage to your feet: calluses, blisters, or cracked heels, all of which cause very uncomfortable feeling. Any girl who loves her heels understands the uncomfortable burning sensation of wearing uncomfortable shoes for hours. Soaking your feet with cucumber slices will replenish the water in the feet, helping to relieve tired toes and exfoliating your dry feet.

How to enjoy Spa at home?

It only takes a few simple and quick steps when spa at home, you can own smooth smooth skin. You can have a smooth, glowing skin and reduce dry, wrinkle-like dreams just by diligently performing a simple spa treatment at home on weekends. A course of only 40 minutes and 15 minutes of preparation includes: Step 1: Clean the whole body You need to prepare things including: - Warm bath water (can be put into the bath tub or bath tub, the better). - 1 cup of table salt or sea salt - 3 tablespoons coconut milk, if not, replace it with 200ml of fresh milk After preparing, soak in a warm bath water mixed with salt and coconut water for about 20 minutes. Hot water will cause pores to expand, freeing dirt and toxins. Salt helps purify and reduce stress on the skin and the muscles and coconut water nourish the skin from step 1. Step 2: Exfoliate You need to have: - 4 teaspoons of black sugar (if not, replace with white sugar or coffee grounds) - 1 - 2 tbsp extra de virgin olive oil or replace with other organic oils - 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 spoon honey Mix all of these into a thick paste, so be careful not to lose sugar. After mixing, gently massage the mixture on your body. If you have any acne-prone areas, you may want to massage more thoroughly. Massage stage lasts about 5 - 10 minutes. To finish step 2, rinse your body with warm water. In the case of oily skin, you should add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to the scrub, which will limit the greasy condition after exfoliating with a mixture of olive oil. How to enjoy Spa at home? 1. CHOOSE YOUR SPA OF THE WORLD ™ KNOWLEDGE FOR YOU How are you feeling? Choose from the following four Spa etiquettes to create the atmosphere and inspiration for your Spa at home. Do you choose Toning, Recovery, Happiness or Relaxation? What ritual makes your senses sublimated? Stay tuned to learn more about each ritual. 2. REMOVE DISCIPLINE It sounds easy, but to really have a Spa experience at home, you really need tranquility, absolutely no interruption. Turn off all electronics for at least 1 to 2 hours. 3. WHERE TO FIND LINH Lighting up the Spa of The World scented candles is the easiest way for you to create a soothing spa space. Extremely relaxing shimmer accompanied by a gentle fragrance will immerse your senses in the Spa. 4. ENJOY YOUR BATH Extremely simple. Soak in a tub of warm water with your favorite Spa of The World ™ shower gel to enjoy the feeling of great relaxation. Then take care of your skin with an exfoliating scrub and lotion or massage oil. 5. MASKS, MASKS, MASKS! Facial masks, hair masks, and even body masks - are all our unique treatments that help nourish, nourish your hair and skin properly. You can enjoy the mask method at the same time as the bath.

Ideas to decorate the bathroom nice

The decor, bathroom decoration pattern, small toilet, small toilet with shelves, mirrors, utensils, stickers ... beautiful, simple and modern. If the guest rooms such as living room, bedroom, kitchen ... or outside space of gardens, ornamental plants are very noticeable and overlook a small room like a bathroom. This is a misconception because bathrooms and toilets are one of the most important and indispensable spaces in families to help people to clean daily, relax and use many times a day. So why don't you spend the time and money investing in decorating bathrooms and toilets becoming useful, becoming a relaxing, clean and impressive kingdom. Let's study layout, bathroom design becomes comfortable and attractive offline. Principles of design, bathroom decoration and most standard The layout of the toilet space is very important because in the bathroom space, there are many accessories for daily activities such as water heater, mirror light, hook for hanging clothes, storage shelf, sink, toilet, even a standing bath, lying ... How to choose paint colors, bathroom tiles, bathroom accessories layout must ensure beautiful elements, safety and feng shui. Here are some guidelines to help ensure you have a dreamlike bathroom space. Decorate, arrange bathroom accessories safely The bathroom is a humid place and has quite a lot of electrical appliances, glass, slippery wet floors, drains ... so the risk of unsafe if you do not know how to design bathroom decoration. Therefore the safety principle in decorating the living room is put on top, avoiding the dangers in the use for homeowners. - Installation of toilet toilets The area in front of the toilet in the bathroom will have to be cleaned, has anti-slip tiles and do not place any obstacles to travel and use. Other items should have a minimum distance from the toilet of 53cm to ensure ease and safe use. The left and right corners of the Toilet are from 38 cm from the side and the drainage is 76 cm from the side walls, partitions, vanity or other obstructions. If installing the bath should put additional handrails into the tub to ensure the safest for users. - Shower: Bathroom equipment as shower must have a minimum area for a sprinkler of 91.5 x 91.5cm. At the same time the bathroom door area must be opened if there is a shower - Installation of electricity: Electricity in the bathroom should be installed most safely because it is near water, high humidity, so it is easy to cause danger. Therefore, install switches, electrical sockets, lights need to be away from the water at least 182cm and have GFCI protection and should put the power switch closest to the aisle to the bathroom. - Choose washbasins, rounded devices : Bathroom equipment should be angled to avoid dangerous situations such as falling, impact, especially in the face and head area. If there is a sharp angle, install more corner devices to ensure safety. - Bathroom lockers : do not choose wide and taller cabinets not exceeding 30cm and should choose a suitable mounting position, closed position, take advantage of the corner on space. Principles of design comfortable, clean bathroom - Installation of full bathroom equipment As you know, a comfortable bathroom is a bathroom that can fully meet the daily needs of family members from toilets, sinks, showers and bathtubs, hangers, makeup mirrors, hot water, bathroom heating lamps ... Bathroom doors: Bathroom doors can be 1 or 2 doors depending on the area and layout of bathroom space. A two-door bathroom is the solution to this problem so that many people can use different bathroom and toilet functions such as one door to use the toilet and another door to enter from the living room. indoors to use a convenient washbasin. - The bathroom needs ventilation and good light The bathroom space is always humid, so the bathroom layout will need to have as much ventilation as possible and get natural light as much as possible to ensure the reduction of murky, airy, Reduce odor for space, keep the air always clean.

The ultimate in skin recovery

Responsibly sourced and fully-ripe Ente plum, the sweetest plum in the world, gave birth to our Ex Prūnīs. Selected for its sensory richness that offers a unique signature aroma, it is abundant in broad-spectrum nutrients and antioxidants with astonishing effects on the skin that are celebrated in France for generations. Stearic, Oleic and Linoleic Acids soothe, support and hydrate the skin while Phenolic Antioxidants, full-spectrum vitamin E and Rutin offer potent antioxidant properties. Made in small batches in southwestern France, each batch of our Ex Prūnīs goes through analysis that guarantees the presence of these micro-nutrients. At the same time, the control of external contaminants, including heavy metals, ensures an extraordinary purity. Composed of ultra-pure natural organic ingredient, Ex Prūnīs Antioxidant Treatment Oil — the ultimate in skin recovery — concentrates all the power of natural anti-oxidative treasures in a few drops to deliver concentrated beneficial nutrients for enhanced regeneration and protection of the skin against environmental aggressors and free radicals. The result is a refined and rejuvenated complexion. Responsibly sourced and fully-ripe Ente plum, the sweetest plum in the world, gave birth to our Ex Prūnīs. Selected for its sensory richness that offers a unique signature aroma, it is abundant in broad-spectrum nutrients and antioxidants with astonishing effects on the skin that are celebrated in France for generations. Stearic, Oleic and Linoleic Acids soothe, support and hydrate the skin while Phenolic Antioxidants, full-spectrum vitamin E and Rutin offer potent antioxidant properties. Made in small batches in southwestern France, each batch of our Ex Prūnīs goes through analysis that guarantees the presence of these micro-nutrients. At the same time, the control of external contaminants, including heavy metals, ensures an extraordinary purity. THE RITUAL Place 3-5 drops of EX PRŪNĪS Antioxidant Treatment Oil in the palm of your hand and warm-up to activate the bio-dynamic components by rubbing your hands together. To stimulate skin micro-circulation, combine smooth movements with pressing, applying onto clean and preferably damp skin. Press into your face, and apply on your neck. Do not forget your décolletage. Use smooth movements up towards your chin. Use any left-over product to smooth and add shine to your hair, if desired. The lightweight EX PRŪNĪS is instantly absorbed. REPAIRS, PROTECTS, HYDRATES & PREVENTS OXIDATIVE STRESS IN SKIN Long-term use improves the skin's health through the delivery of precious nutrients. Full-spectrum vitamin E, omegas and potent antioxidants in Ex Prūnīs reduce skin ageing by strengthening dermal density and elasticity through the regulation of enzymes. When frequently applied to the skin, it accelerates skin healing yielding balanced healthy complexion. THE EXPERIENCE Aroma: Sweet, Marzipan/Almond-Like Skin Feel: Hydrated, smoother, brighter; the feeling of dryness disappears Texture: Lightweight SKIN TYPES Formulated for all skin types, including ultra-sensitive skin. INGREDIENTS Highest, pure, food-grade, slow- and cold-pressed certified organic Ente plum (Prunus Domestica Seed) oil*; fully concentrated. *From Organic Farming (AB Agriculture Biologique, Institut de Recherche de l'Agriculture Biologique); checked for external contaminants, including but not limited to heavy metals.

Therapeutic CBD Skin Balm

The Problem Skin product line with brings intense relief in times when itching develops and the skin is becoming increasingly inflamed, red to deep red, flaky, swollen and sore. Due to the anti-inflammatory and sebum-balancing properties of CBD cannabinoid oil, the problem skin range balances oily and blemished skin and reduces inflammation in acne-prone skin. Therapeutic CBD Skin Balm Therapeutic CBD Skin Balm can now be bought in Sounthern Spain, we are proud to be able to offer Hemptouch products on our website. Hemptouch are high quality products for problem skin. Relieves, protects and revitalises acutely irritated skin. Therapeutic CBD Skin Balm is an effective rescue remedy for when acute care is needed. It brings intense relief to red, flaky, and sore skin. It calms skin reactions and eczema flare-ups, reducing itching and areas of redness. It balances oily, blemished and acne-prone skin and at the same time provides intense relief and support for long-term skin problems. Ultra-clean formula CBD oil is extracted using the cold-pressed method at low temperatures without solvents or alcohol. Aromacert Certified, Vegan-Friendly, Never Tested on Animals. Water-free formulation for the most sensitive skin types Because we add no water, there is no need for added preservatives or alcohol. This makes the formulation well suited for the most sensitive skin types. Dermatologically tested* Proven hypoallergenic, non-irritating and suitable for atopic and sensitive skin. *Independent dermatological study made by J.S. Hamilton, University of Modena and Second Opinion Medical Network. SUITABLE FOR Therapeutic CBD Skin Balm provides acute care for cracked, flaky, itchy, reddened, swollen, irritated and aggravated skin.This balm calms skin reactions and eczema flare-ups and reduces itching and areas of redness. It is particularly effective at restoring balance to oily, acne-prone and blemished skin. It can be also used as a quick remedy for insect bites and cold sores. HOW TO USE Therapeutic CBD Skin Balm has a very rich consistency; however, it will soften in your hands, making it easy to apply. Only a very small amount of this balm is needed to cover larger areas of your skin. Use sparingly but regularly. It should be reapplied throughout the day whenever required. It is easily absorbed and leaves a pleasant feeling. Hemptouch Therapeutic CBD Skin Balm can be used regularly for prolonged periods without any side effects. For long-term improvement, use it in tandem with Soothing CBD Skin Balm. *Keep cool, dry and away from sunlight.

Mistakes men often make when shaving

Although both the beard and hair have a fairly fast growth rate, with the hair, the guys can let it grow a bit longer, in that gas for the beard you can not lazy to shave. Having a bushy, bushy beard will make your face look sloppy and unkempt, and it will also denounce you as a man who doesn't know how to take care of himself. Therefore, shaving and shaving regularly is essential. How is called shaving properly? The average man must spend up to 3,600 hours shaving in his lifetime. To the face, shaving is like an "enemy" because they are always at risk of scratching and infection of the skin. According to the researchers, shaving will make the immune system work harder. What this means is that the daily shaving routine will make the skin's immune system exhausted more quickly. Therefore, men need to learn how to shave "properly" to protect their skin and health. Shaving does not cause damage to the face Should shave when? Vietnamese men often enlist shaving after bathing in the evening. However, you should not shave at that time because the facial skin at that time is both very sensitive and not relaxing so shaving will make you more sore and more likely to scratch. The best time to shave is in the early morning when you wake up. Besides, you should shave before breakfast because chewing action when eating will push blood to the jaw area, around the lips and eyes. Therefore, shaving after eating will make it easier to bleed. Whether you shave with a knife or a machine, the blade must be absolutely sharp and clean. A lightning knife will cause skin infections if you accidentally bleed when you shave. In particular, shave along the direction of the hair because shaving backwards will damage the pores. How to shave Before shaving you should wash your face thoroughly with warm water to both pasteurize the skin, just open the pores, help the blade "glide" on the skin "smoother". Do not forget to use shaving foam to help soften the beard, limiting the blade contact with the skin causing skin damage.
  • Shave in the evening:  Not so excited that you can shave. Especially in the evening when the skin becomes more sensitive than ever. Shaving at this time increases the risk of scratches. The advice is to start shaving in the morning right after waking up.
  • Do not wash your face before shaving  : Many men do not wash their face before each shave. However, this work is very important. A clean face wash not only eliminates sebum, dirt, but also helps prevent water penetration to make shaving easier.
  • Dry  shave : Clearly when you shave dry you will save a lot of time, not requiring many steps. But a dry shave makes you face very high scratches, which can cause skin irritation, rashes or pimples around the shaving area.
  • Sharing razors:  This is a fairly common habit. But did you know that sharing razors is dangerous and increases the risk of spreading the disease if the shaving area is unfortunately scratched? Give up this ugly habit right away.
  • Do not take care of your skin after shaving:  If you do not care your skin after shaving will make the skin more dry, redness.
  • Shaving too hard:  Doing this accidentally causes the beard to regrow faster.
  • Shaving in the wrong direction:  The right direction of shaving is the direction of shaving. If you shave in the opposite direction, the pores of the skin are open and can damage your skin.
  • Do not clean the razor:  When you do not clean the razor before or after shaving, it will cause bacteria, itchy mushrooms to accumulate for a long time, badly affecting your skin.
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