
Responsibilities and role of physicians in society

A working physician must have a mind and a talent. Having the heart to devote yourself to the cause of medicine, to the cause of saving people. The talent to be able to find and discover effective cures. There is no new lagging behind, set back in time, himself conquered the peaks in medicine. People who make medicine need to have both mind and talent Since ancient times, medicine has been a profession that is appreciated and cherished by our people. Uncle Ho said, "Doctor is like a mother", so what does doctor mean? As far as we can understand that traditional medicine is a medicine profession, a physician makes medicine to save people and save lives. Having done in medicine, one should understand that even a little mistake, his negligence can cause the loss of another's life, robbing the life of a healthy living person. Therefore, the working physician must have the mind and the talent. Having the heart to devote ourselves to the cause of medicine, to the cause of saving people, to consider the patient above all. The talent to be able to search for discovering effective healing methods, always exploring new methods, constantly learning, paying back and then adding knowledge in medicine enhances their skills. People say "First-class medicine" that sentence has been expressed and expressed the importance of medicine in life, which is the highest profession of man. Therefore, the practitioner is considered as a model, meaning the gentle mother of those who are ill, who brings her immense love to the sky, to treat all patients fairly. , justice is not for any personal benefit but to cure people. That is truly a true physician, a true medical staff and deserves respect. The saying expressed the feelings of a medical staff towards patients who must be dedicated, thoughtful, caring for them as their own relatives. Therefore, the physician must understand his role and responsibility in society without being neglected subjectively at work. Responsibilities and role of the physician Every day a physician and doctor is exposed to so many patients and various diseases. Doctors need to have a mind, a moral quality, and a heart of love for them to advance in the cause of saving people. In today's society when human needs are higher, science and technology are good, health care is even more advanced. Therefore, the profession of physician is a hot profession in society and attracts a lot of talented people to participate. The saying "Herbalist is like a mother" is a saying that is completely correct to remind the behavior of medicine practitioners and doctors towards patients who need to be humble, respectful and care for them. thoughtful love. This statement is a warning to those in the medical profession who are aware of their responsibilities and their role to the sick. The school nurtures dreams As a student who is still on the seat of Saigon Pharmaceutical College , I realize that I need to study and rise to be able to achieve my dreams. And can save everyone later. There are teachers and aunties who are helping me every day to make the path to my dreams closer. Teachers of Saigon Pharmaceutical College always enthusiastically instruct us every hour of class. After school, when there are questions, teachers are still ready to answer us. The teachers are the ferry drivers who take us across the river, to the knowledge and success shore of dreams. Bringing us closer to our own dreams. That's why I promise to try to study, so as not to assist teachers of Saigon Pharmaceutical Collegetaught me not to disappoint my parents' expectations. And above all fulfill your dreams.

Ways to Reuse Old Prescription Medicine

Let's hear it for better living through pharmaceuticals. Prescriptions, I mean. There are drugs for lowering your blood pressure, lowering your cholesterol, reducing inflammation, blocking betas and curing that nasty rash you got last summer. When you find yourself on "maintenance" medications, however, such as blood pressure medicine or asthma medications, you could be looking at getting a periodic regular influx of prescription bottles. These little bottles have some interesting properties, are quite useful for what they do, and obviously, cost something to make and, being made of plastic, have an impact on the environment. They certainly don't do anyone any good filling up the landfills. This question has been asked many a time... even on the Q&A section of Instructables, as it turns out. My goal is to provide a fairly comprehensive answer to "What can I do with all these $%#&! prescription bottles?" Step 1: Reduce... Before we look at what should be done with all those little pill bottles, I stopped to ask myself... why so many pill bottles? I found that there were ways I could reduce the number of pill bottles I was getting to begin with. A) Getting Fewer Prescriptions: Your medical situation is your own and is between you and your doctor/insurance company/shaman or whatnot, but, personally, I have found that some prescription medications may merely be masking other dangerous conditions. I was taking prescription medication to prevent acid reflux, but my doctor realized that I was actually suffering from sleep apnea, which was causing the acid reflux. Once I started using a C-PAP machine, I no longer had bouts of acid reflux. As another benefit, I'm much less likely to die of a heart attack or simply die in my sleep. Hey, what a bonus! B) Get Fewer Prescription Bottles: If you have a maintenance prescription for an ongoing health issue, such as asthma, acid reflux or blood pressure, talk with your doctor, insurance company and pharmacy about the possibility of 90-day (three-month) prescriptions. Not only will this cut down on the rate that the prescription bottles pile up, it could potentially save you some fuel costs in trips to the pharmacy or reduce them altogether if the prescriptions are shipped directly to you. Also, depending on the prescription, you may end up with one larger bottle (possibly better for storage) instead of three smaller bottles. If you use a smaller local pharmacy, talk with your pharmacist; they may let you bring your prescription bottles back to the pharmacy and actually refill them when you refill your prescription.[9] This saves them money and reduces the number of bottles you have to deal with.

Instructions for safe use of the drug

Do you have a long list of medications to take to treat and control a health problem? Or simply using some of the over-the-counter medications available at the pharmacy? Regardless of the drug, each person should be equipped with the necessary information to be able to use it safely, reasonably and effectively. Understand the medicine you're taking First of all, you need to have certain knowledge about the medicine you are taking. Understanding medicines will help you use them properly and effectively. For each medication you are taking, whether it is an over-the-counter or prescription medication, know the following:
  • Generic name (both brand name and generic)
  • Size and color of the tablet
  • Amount
  • Common side effects
  • When do you need to call a doctor?
  • Other special instructions
If this information is not found on the product packaging or you have questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist. Note about the use of the drug Apply a number of dos and don'ts when using the following drugs we will use drugs safely and effectively. CANDLESTICK:
  • Take the correct dose of medication exactly as in the instructions for use or prescription of your doctor.
  • Make sure the treating doctor knows all the medicines you are currently taking.
  • Inform your doctor if you currently use over-the-counter medications, vitamins, supplements, and herbs.
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets.

How to choose the right medical stethoscope

In the medical field, the image of a doctor with a headset on his ear has become a very distinctive symbol. Indeed, a medical stethoscope is an indispensable item in the professional life of a doctor. It helps us to examine patients more effectively, detecting symptoms that the common senses cannot perceive. However, to make full use of the stethoscope, it is important to first select the right type of stethoscope. In this article, we'll take a look at the most important aspects when choosing a stethoscope, and step by step help you choose the product that best suits your needs. Summary of the structure of the medical stethoscope Currently, there are many different types of medical stethoscope being sold in the market. In order to answer the question of what kind of medical stethoscope you should buy, you first need to know some important knowledge about their structure. 1 / Face listening The face is the most important component of a medical stethoscope. This is where the sound vibrations from the patient's body are collected and amplified many times before reaching the user's ears. If you classify the stethoscope according to the structure of the listening surface, there are two main types: Single-sided stethoscope: consists of a stethoscope on one side and a spine connected to the stethoscope on the other. A headset on a one-sided stethoscope is usually the type that can adjust the listening frequency according to the force, enabling users to hear many different sounds of the same organ without having to rotate the headset. 2-sided stethoscope: is composed of a (large) earpiece on one side and a (small) earbell on the other. The bell can be opened or closed with a stethoscope depending on the line of the stethoscope . If closed, it becomes a two stethoscope. Stethoscope 2 stethoscope: includes 2 stethoscope with different sizes for examination for adults and children. In particular, children's headphones will often be able to convert into bells depending on the needs of the user. The advantage of this type is suitable for all patients, very helpful for general practitioners or students practicing many subjects.

9 Things to Do in Dentation – Fillings you should know

Fillings are also known by many as dental fillings. This is a familiar method in dentistry, using artificial materials to cover the missing tooth tissue (due to tooth decay, tooth loss, tooth decay ...) However, there are still many strangers to this concept. . The following article, we will share to you information related to dental welding: the cases that should be done, reputable dental address in Hanoi Dental fillings - what is fillings? Currently, the method of dental welding is not new to many people. This is a dental method performed to restore and compensate for missing teeth due to many causes. May be due to tooth decay, chipped, sparse ... The goal is to ensure the normal functioning of the teeth while bringing aesthetic beauty. This method is absolutely safe for patients' oral health. The implementation process absolutely does not affect the structure of the teeth, does not damage the enamel and does not need to be sharpened. Why fillings? Who should fill teeth? The following cases often use dental fillings: Filling tooth decay When tooth decay occurs, cavities in the teeth will appear. If not detected and treated in time, cavities will grow. As it grows, patients may encounter many obstacles: aches, infections or even broken teeth. Dental fillings are a very effective treatment for tooth decay. By fast implementation time that fillings cost is also affordable, not too high. Batch fillings In the process of biting food or hard objects, or the operation process affects the tooth structure. Teeth can be chipped. If early tooth decay is detected, your dentist will tell you to perform a filling. First of all, the doctor will perform a very clean oral cavity to eliminate bacteria. Then proceed to put the filler of your choice into the chipped tooth. Dental fillings When the teeth are thin, the aesthetics of the face will be seriously affected. At this time, many people will choose the method of treatment is fillings. However, not all cases of sparse teeth can be welded. This method can be used for teeth with sparse teeth below 2mm. And if the gap of the teeth is quite large, this method should not be used because it will not bring absolute efficiency. At this time, the doctor will advise you that the best porcelain veneers.
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