
12 great benefits of peaches with health

GD & TD - This season, you can easily find peaches throughout fruit shops and supermarkets. If you know peaches have many great uses for health, you probably do not miss the opportunity to enjoy this nutritious fruit. The peach season usually falls in June / July every year. Many people still wonder about the use of this fruit. However, according to experts, if you have thrombocytopenic purpura, nosebleeds or you are just ill, have a fever, are debilitating, have many illnesses in your body, or have relatively poor gastrointestinal function, then you should not eat. a lot of peaches. As for healthy people, peaches bring quite a lot of unexpected health benefits. Here are 12 benefits that peaches bring to health: 1. Maintain low cholesterol The phenolic component in shell and peach flesh helps maintain bad cholesterol levels and stimulates the amount of good cholesterol in the body. So eating peach helps you reduce the risk of heart disease and maintain good cardiovascular health. 2. Filter toxins from the kidneys The potassium present in peaches is an excellent dialysis tool, reducing the likelihood of kidney infections or kidney stones. Potassium combines other vitamins found in peaches to help the kidneys and liver function properly. Therefore, you should drink peach juice to help clean the intestines, improve kidney function and remove excess toxins from the body. 3. Weight loss Low in calories, high in fiber and naturally sweet, peach juice is used in the weight loss menu. They fill you up faster and control hunger for longer. 4. Reduce swelling, inflammation The phenolic ingredient in peaches is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory drug. High content of vitamin A in peach works to treat swelling, joint pain. Therefore, people with gout or arthritis should eat peaches regularly. 5. Reducing the risk of anemia, improving cardiovascular health Peach is a fruit rich in iron, potassium and vitamin C. If you are anemic, eat peaches often. In addition it enhances the heart muscle and stimulates blood circulation to the heart, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and other cardiovascular diseases. 6. Preventing cancer The antioxidants, lutein and lycopene in peaches may reduce the risk of many types of cancer. Many studies show that peaches help prevent certain types of cancer such as breast cancer, oral cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer. 7. Improve eye health The beta-carotene precursor of vitamin A in peaches plays an important role in maintaining healthy eyes and preventing eye diseases such as blindness. In addition, beta-carotene helps improve vision and reduces oxidative stress in the retina, helps prevent yellowing degeneration. One study found that lutein and zeaxanthin in peaches have a great effect in reducing the risk of cataracts. 8. Strengthen the immune system The vitamin C and zinc found in peaches help protect the body's immune system. Because the body's immune system is quite thin and susceptible to infections or seasonal diseases. So drinking peach juice daily prevents common cold and is less prone to chronic seasonal diseases. 9. Protect skin from UV rays Peaches are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, bera carotene, potassium, magnesium, selenium which protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays. To soothe sunburned skin, you can boil peaches, grind them, and apply to tan areas. Drinking peach juice daily helps improve skin tone and reduce acne. 10. Cure digestive disorders Peach juice naturally alkaline helps reduce the symptoms of gastritis, indigestion, constipation, flatulence, nausea and other digestive disorders. If you have a stomach ache, drinking peach juice will be a great remedy and will also help clean the intestinal tract. 11. Keep bones and teeth strong The phosphorus and calcium present in peaches assist in the prevention of bone diseases such as osteoporosis and help strengthen teeth. 12. Anti-aging Peaches contain zinc, a substance with anti-aging properties. It also slows menopause in men by increasing the testosterone hormone in the body.

Is drinking organic juice good every day?

Is drinking fruit juice good evNot only adding water, fruit juice also provides a large amount of essential vitamins and nutrients for the body, especially antioxidants that enhance the resistance, purify the body, prevent prevent disease, improve skin and support weight loss. However, that does not mean that you can drink as much juice as you like, whichever is good? To make the habit of drinking fruit juice every day healthy, you need to adhere to the following factors:ery day? It depends on the state of each person, the type of juice used, the preparation and the amount of drink ... 1 / Choose a low-sugar fruit juice Drinking fruit juice every day good regardless of the type of juice that each person chooses. Instead of drinking it completely, you need to balance your taste, health status, and the benefits of juice. For diabetics, depending on the condition you can use juice or not, it is best to consult a doctor. For normal people, you can drink many different types of juice, however, it is advisable to prioritize fruit juices with low sugar but still rich in vitamins and antioxidants such as: Pomegranate Juice Apple juice Red grape juice Orange, grapefruit juice Guava juice If it's a bottled juice, choose juice without added sugar or any preservative. It can be difficult to know which bottled juices do not add added sugar. Therefore, the best solution for bottled juices is organic because they do not contain chemical sugars and preservatives. 2 / Should choose organic fruit The main purpose of fruit juice is to improve health status. So, the quality of the fruit plays a crucial role in determining whether you drink juice every day? Especially before the situation of chemical residues, poor quality, unclear origin is rampant on the market today, the more these fruits are used, the greater the risk of serious diseases. The higher the risk. 3 / Be careful with processing stages After choosing a fruit that is both fresh and safe, you will come to juicing the juice for daily use. It sounds simple, however, compared to bottled juices, fresh juices are more prone to bacterial infections if you don't know how to juice. First, you need to wash the fruits, soak with diluted salt water, then peel (if organic fruits do not need this step) for those fruits that need to be peeled. Before putting in the press, do not forget to clean the press clean. Cups, trays of juice should also be washed, drained, sterilized (especially if the target audience is children). The juice should only be squeezed just enough during the day to ensure its freshness and avoid the preservation stage, which will lose its nutrition. Note, do not add sugar to the juice. 4 / How many ml of fruit juice a day is enough? Is drinking juice good every day? This is really good if you drink in adequate amounts, not abused. Specifically, to avoid the body loaded with sugar, each person should only drink 150ml -200ml of fruit juice per day (for high-sugar juices, cut back). Drink pure juice without added sugar. The best time to drink juice is 20-30 minutes before meals, but avoid when your body is too hungry, some juice with acid is not good for your stomach at this time. 5 / Juice does not replace whole fruits and vegetables Many people mistakenly think that if you already drink fruit juice, you don't need to eat fruit, if you drink vegetable juice, you don't need to eat more vegetables. This is completely wrong because basically our body needs to add more fiber for metabolism, while fruit juice, vegetables are not high-fiber drinks. So besides drinking juice, don't forget to include fiber in your daily diet. In summary, is drinking fruit juice good or not, will it depend on the type of fruit you choose to be safe? Is the processing method hygienic? How many ml drink per day? Hopefully, the above share of Organica has partly helped you know how to drink fruit juice for health.

The reason you should eat papaya every day

Eating papaya regularly will improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, protect the body system from pathogens and stimulate hair growth. Papaya improves digestive health: The fiber content of papaya is high, so it is good for digestion. Eating a piece of papaya can meet your daily needs for the amount of fiber needed to keep your body functioning normally. Eating papaya regularly will also detoxify the digestive system and prevent constipation. Reducing inflammation: Papayas contain enzymes called papain and chymopapain that have anti-inflammatory effects and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. These enzymes can also treat inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, edema, etc. Provide important nutrients: Papaya is an excellent source of vitamins with antioxidant properties like vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C. This orange fruit also provides the body with complex minerals like potassium, copper and magnesium. These vitamins and minerals work together to support cell regeneration and help prevent the damage caused by free radicals. Protect the bowels: Do you know one of the benefits of eating papaya every day is that it improves the protein digestion of the body? Thanks to papain enzyme promotes protein breakdown without altering the bacterial system that helps protect your gut. Provides a good amount of Vitamin A: Papaya is good for the eyes because it is rich in vitamin A. It is an antioxidant that protects your eyesight and helps prevent some eye problems such as cataracts and macular degeneration. yellow. You should eat papaya every day to enhance eyesight. Strengthen the immune system: Papaya contains large amounts of vitamin A and vitamin C that help strengthen the immune system and prevent infection. Eating papaya regularly will help create a "barrier" to protect the body against bacteria and viruses that cause colds, flu and respiratory infections. Preventing heart disease: One of the health benefits of papaya is that it has the ability to prevent cardiovascular disease. This is because the fiber, potassium and vitamins in papaya work to treat heart disease. Increased potassium intake will reduce the harmful effects of heart disease. That is why you should eat papaya daily Preventing blood clots: A blood clot in the body can slow blood circulation and clog arteries. In severe cases, it can even lead to heart attack or stroke. Papayas contain a substance called fibrin that reduces blood clots and improves blood flow. Good for the skin: Vitamin E in papaya prevents cell damage and prevents the formation of premature wrinkles. Vitamin A provides a smooth skin. Vitamin C and vitamin E increase collagen production and keep your skin firm. In addition, papaya contains oils that moisturize the skin and reduce the symptoms of skin disorders like eczema and psoriasis.

6 great benefits of eating fresh fruit daily

Fruit has a lot of nutrients, fiber and vitamins so it will help you be physically and mentally healthy, reducing the risk of disease. Adding fruits to your daily diet will have great health benefits. There are many reasons to eat fruit every day, but keep in mind that consuming fresh fruit will be much better than preserving or canned fruits. Fruit is a rich fiber and it is low in calories so it is especially beneficial for those who want to lose weight while being full of energy. Here are 5 benefits of eating fresh fruit daily: Avoid cancer According to the World Health Organization, a diet consisting of 5 servings of fruit a day can help reduce the growth of cancer. Many studies find that most cancers develop due to a deficiency of certain nutrients. Berries and tomatoes are fruits rich in antioxidants so will be able to fight cancer effectively. Prevent chronic diseases One of the reasons you eat fruits daily is to prevent chronic heart diseases. Fruits are low in calories and are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Fruits also contain antioxidants and folic acid, which help lower blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease. Apples, oranges and bananas are super fruits that give you a healthy heart. Strengthen the brain In one study, scientists found that eating blueberries may boost your memory. Diseases related to memory impairment are often age-related, but fortunately, the disease can be prevented by consuming fruits in the daily diet. Blueberries have nutrients that help develop new brain cells to prevent memory loss. This is one of the reasons why you should eat this fruit every day. Weight loss Replacing greasy foods with fruits is a very smart decision. Eating fruit at a snack between meals will help you feel fuller, avoiding the risk of overeating, thus also reducing the risk of weight gain. Skin beauty You want a fair complexion, so don't ask why you should eat fruit every day. Most fruits, especially avocados, have a large amount of vitamin E that slows down the aging rate and helps skin look fair. Strengthen immunity Some fruits have a great combination of vitamin C, vitamin A and carotenoids (an antioxidant) ... so it can easily contribute to boosting your immune system. Fruits like mango are the best choice for you. Fruit can be called super food for you healthy, beautiful, youthful, happy and love life. So what are you waiting for without choosing the fruits you like to supplement in your daily diet.

Benefits of bananas and peaches

Bananas are very popular with Vietnamese people. Bananas are year-round, easy to preserve, can be eaten directly, mixed fruits or processed into many different delicious dishes, are great fruits of man. 1. What do bananas bring to people? Bananas bring many benefits to humans, including: Provide a moderate amount of carbohydrates : bananas as well as many other fruits contain carbohydrates, but in moderate amounts, even people with diabetes when craving for food can still enjoy half of bananas. Bananas also do not affect low-carb people, because an average banana provides only about 27 g of carbohydrate. Ideal source of dietary fiber: an important component of human diets is an important component, that is fiber. A medium-sized banana provides about 3 g of fiber, equivalent to 10% of daily needs. Fiber has many benefits, such as helping the colon to function properly, maintaining cholesterol and blood pressure balance, reducing inflammation, etc.In general, fiber-rich foods help the body feel full sooner. eat less, reduce energy intake, support weight loss process. Rich in potassium: Potassium plays an important role in the functioning of the body, especially the activity of the heart. Foods rich in potassium help lower blood pressure in two ways: increasing urinary excretion and vasodilation. Besides, potassium has many other effects, such as can lower the risk of stroke , keep the bones and muscles working healthy. It should be noted that for people with kidney problems, too much potassium is not good for health, so consult your doctor to get the most appropriate indication. Healthier digestive system: yellow bananas are a good source of prebiotics. Prebiotics are carbohydrates that are not digested by the human digestive system, but are a food source of beneficial gut bacteria . There is evidence that beneficial gut bacteria can help with diarrhea when using antibiotics. Besides, it also helps to improve urinary tract infection, treat intestinal infections, alleviate irritable bowel syndrome, alleviate lactose intolerance, effective for some allergy symptoms, alleviate colds and flu, ... 2. Benefits of peaches Encourage weight loss Peach juice is one of the lowest calorie fruit juices, with only 60 calories in a cup of peach juice. Drinking peach juice as part of a weight loss diet plan will increase your body's nutrients, without adding calories. Improve blood circulation Peach juice helps strengthen the heart muscle and stimulates blood flow throughout the body resulting in low blood pressure and low cholesterol levels. Peach juice reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and other cardiovascular diseases. In addition, if the iron concentration is low, you can drink peach juice as it is also a rich source of iron. Preventing cancer Lutein and lycopene in peach juice can help prevent cancer and reduce the risk of macular degeneration. Peach juice also contains anti-cancer compounds and tumor suppressants that can reduce cancer risk at any age. Improve cardiovascular health Peach juice is ideal for protecting heart health because it contains iron, potassium and vitamin C. Iron increases blood circulation and promotes blood flow to the heart, potassium acts as a vasodilator to reduce stress in blood vessels, and vitamin C aids in accelerating the healing process of damaged tissues and arteries of the heart.

10 benefits of orange juice for body

Oranges are the world's most popular fruit with low calories and a high source of nutrition. Oranges can support skin health and reduce the risk of many diseases. Refer to some information about the use of orange juice as well as how to use it safely for health. Orange Oranges are an evergreen tree that can last 50 to 60 years, some trees can live up to 100 years if taken good care of. There are many documents that oranges may have originated from South China, Northeast India and some other Southeast Asian countries. For hundreds of years, oranges have been recreated, propagated and disseminated all over the world. 1. Prevent cancer Orange juice contains D - limonene compound which has been shown to be effective in preventing certain cancers such as breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer. In addition, the vitamin C in oranges also acts as an antioxidant and protects cells from free radicals in the body. 2. Lowers bad cholesterol Orange juice contains Pectin, which is a soluble fiber that binds the cholesterol in the gut. This helps the body not absorb cholesterol into the bloodstream. In addition, oranges also contain a type of Flavanone called Hesperidin. This is a component that can help reduce bad cholesterol levels in the body. 3. Support lower blood pressure One of the common uses of orange juice is to help lower blood pressure. Oranges are rich in Potassium, which can reduce stress in blood vessels, limit the effects of sodium and help lower blood pressure naturally. 4. Prevention of rheumatoid arthritis Oranges contain a good source of vitamin C that can help reduce joint pain and arthritis. In addition, the active ingredients Phytonutrients Zeaxanthin and Beta - Cryptoxanthin in oranges can help fight oxidation, fight inflammation and prevent polyarthritis. Orange juice is always good Regular use of orange juice can prevent osteoarthritis 5. Strengthen the immune system Orange juice contains very high levels of Vitamin C that can help stimulate the production of white cells. Thereby strengthening the immune system and helping the body fight disease. In addition, orange juice also contains Vitamin A, copper, Folate and other nutrients to help keep the immune system functioning at its best. In addition, Thiamine in orange juice is also highly effective in boosting the immune system and helping the body fight attacks from outside the body. 6. Preventing kidney stones Thanks to its high Vitamin C content, orange juice is considered a kidney-friendly food. Regular use of orange juice is thought to increase the amount of citrate in the urine. Citrate deficiency is thought to be more at risk of kidney stones. Therefore, oranges can naturally increase the concentration of Citrate in the urine, thereby reducing the risk of kidney stones. 7. Reduce the risk of diabetes Orange juice has a low glycemic index so it is suitable for people with high blood sugar. Oranges also contain high amounts of soluble fiber, which can help slow down the absorption process of blood sugar. Studies show that eating oranges may help with diabetes treatment better than drinking orange juice. Because the fiber in oranges will be absorbed better through eating whole citrus. In addition, extracted orange juice should be avoided, because these drinks may be sweetened for diabetics . 8. Maintain eye health Oranges are a good, natural, safe and essential source of vitamin A for developing vision. Regular use of orange juice can combat eye-related problems caused by aging and support corneal functions. 9. Improve brain function Folic acid in oranges can promote the activity and comprehensive development of brain neurotransmitters. Low levels of neurotransmission can lead to depression, anxiety, and other types of neurological disorders. 10. Support the fertility of men The high levels of folic acid and vitamin C in oranges are thought to be beneficial for men's sexual health. Oranges are also rich in antioxidants that can protect sperm from genetic damage, causing birth defects. Some studies suggest that regular use of oranges can increase Testosterone levels and improve fertility in men. Similarly, a number of studies on fertility and infertility in men said that vitamin C supplementation can increase Nitric Oxide production, helping to improve vasodilation and erection in men penis. .

Supplement vitamins from vegetables

Vegetables are an indispensable ingredient in daily meals. In addition to the health benefits, it is also a source of essential vitamins for life. Carrots: A glass of fresh carrots contains a huge amount of vitamin A, 34,317 IU. This makes carrots the most pro-vitamin A carotenes-rich plant. Eating carrots can protect eyesight, reduce the risk of heart disease and some types of cancer. This orange-colored food is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B, manganese, molebdenum, magnesium, phosphorus, folate, fiber and potassium. Tomatoes: tomatoes are a champion of nutrients when it contains more than 20 vitamins and minerals. A cup of ripe red tomatoes provides an excellent amount of vitamins A, C and K. It's also a source of molebdenum, chromium, manganese, potassium, vitamin B 1 and B 6 . Tomatoes contain copper, folate, iron, B complex and many other essential nutrients. Tomatoes are known for their high content of lycopene, a phytonutrient that has antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. Soy: one of the best health foods in the world today. Soy provides the body with a lot of essential nutrients such as molebdenum, tryptopha, manganese, protein, omega-3 fiber, fatty acids and potassium that can prevent cancer, prevent atherosclerosis, prevent aging. chemical ... Brussels sprouts: rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B, folate, fiber, potassium and vitamin A, one of the most important antioxidants found in nature. This small cabbage is also rich in vitamin E, calcium and copper. Studies have shown that a diet containing cruciferous vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, helps reduce the incidence of certain cancers, such as lung, breast, and colon. and ovarian cancer. Spinach: "warehouse" contains nutrients. This food contains more than 35 vitamins and minerals. It is vitamin A, vitamin K ... The green color of spinach also contains more than 10 different flavonoid compounds, which prevent the aging process caused by free radicals. Results from a survey of more than 15,000 men over a 12-year period showed that those who regularly ate leafy greens daily had a 25% lower risk of heart disease compared to those who didn't eat greens. In particular, spinach is considered the leading type that can help maintain the heart at its best thanks to the lutein, folate, potassium and fiber contained in this vegetable. Morning glory: can eliminate cholesterol in blood and prevent hypertension. Morning glory can eliminate blood cholesterol and prevent hypertension, so people who have high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol should eat a lot of these vegetables. In particular, according to Eastern medicine, water spinach has the effect of detoxifying, defecating urine, curing constipation, and urination, so people often use morning glory to prevent and treat some common diseases: detoxification, reducing blood sugar, cure allergic superinfection skin ... Bok Choy: contains a lot of vitamins A, B and C in it, the amount of vitamin C of bok choy is one of the most vegetables. You can provide this valuable source of nutrition every day because bok choy can be processed into many different dishes to help cool, diuretic and prevent some skin diseases. Mustard greens also have a digestive and laxative effect. Broccoli: The nutrition content of broccoli is quite high, especially for royal jelly and vitamin K. Broccoli also contains many vitamins A, B, C, D, carotene, alumina, nicotic acid ... and one of the vegetables. which nutritionists recommend regularly for health protection and disease prevention. Broccoli can be combined with a variety of foods: beef, pork, crab, shrimp, squid ... to be processed into many dishes: soup, hotpot, stir-fry, rolls like pancakes, lettuce ... Asparagus: a cup of boiled asparagus is an excellent source of vitamins A, C and K and folate. In addition, asparagus contains more than 10 essential vitamins and minerals for health such as potassium, B vitamins, and fiber. For centuries, our ancestors used asparagus to cleanse the intestines and heal wounds. Peppers: There are many colors, from red, yellow to blue. It is these colors that bring bell peppers more vitamins and minerals. This food is rich in vitamin A, vitamins C and B 6 . It is also a good source of molebdenum, fiber, manganese and folate.
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